
A monk in gold robes sat; his feet a'pickin' & a flickin'

14 - 19 Jan should have been 6 Hours (ended up being 11 hours but that was my fault, not Thailands as I forgot to manage to not forget my passport/money/tickets all important guffstuff & ended up going thru a place called 'Tak' 3 times (which was......Cak!) bus to Chiang Mai

Top North Guesthouse 1 night
All-in-1 Guesthouse 5 nights

Chillin' in Chaing Mai was ok - shot some pool + strolled round streets lined with traders + stalls.


Yellow Creamy Gloop.....Good with Bananas

12 - 13 Jan 6 Hours bus to Sukhothai

Ben Thai Guesthouse 3 quid a night bungalow!

Apparently you can walk on Custard. I am defo going to have to try that - Brilliant!


Same Siem .......... But different

Jan 10 - 11 5 hours bus ride to Ayuthaya (ayyoodeeyer)

Old Palace Resort

I'm not sure exactly how to spell or pronounce it, but Ayuthaya used to be capital of Thailand. In fact they moved to Bangkok because it is easier to articulate.......probably. Anyhoo, back in days when words like 'Yarg' + 'Groat' + 'Nerf' actually had a place in a World that wasn't shrouded in cynicism and want, but smelt like pigshit, The poor people hereabouts were happily asked with sticks, stakes & stones to build magnifique temples to the 'Lard' Buddha.....actually it isn't the 'lardy' looking Buddha that features hereabouts, but the slimline version from before he got fat on the alms left by starving minions at too many temples.

King unpronounceable name (for it was he) ruled the land for as far as the eye can see on a clear day without the aid of any optical aids and built great temples to rubber-stamp his ownership, and pronounce to the people that Buddhism was the way. After his time passed, Monarch after Monarch built more great temples until one day (before all the World was a great big Temple like building) the dynasty was overthrown and they were left to ruin.

I like it here. It's a quiet town with loads of ruins of temples. I like buddhism. I like wandering around ancient temples, makes me feel reflective.......and kinda sad......Yarg!

Elephantski : Brilliantski!

Jan 7 - Jan 9 Short ride in the back of a pick-up to elephants Friends click for details on the elephants and how to visit....

Now click here if you want to see elephant bathtime.....Getting 'Dunked'

Them got got the trots which was a real shame as it meant I only got to ride once but the elephant bath was a Blast and after managing to swallow mouthfuls of elepoo water with prob a little bit of laughter seepage it was an experience I will truly never forget. BIG thanks to Kamoun the BIGgest elephant at the reserve & the BIGgest fan of bathtime.


Spicy Tom Yom Kang Soup

Jan 6 2 Hours Minibus to Kanchanaburi

Sam's Guesthouse Hut 4 - 7 quid bargain mozzie shack on Kwai

Kanchanaburi is famous for a Bridge situated hereabouts that goes over a River called Kwai........and we are staying in a little hut that is on stilts over the (little bit smelly) river.

The Japanese forced POW's to build the bridge during WW2. When the air-raid sirens went off they would march the POW's onto the bridge in the hope that the allies wouldnt attack/destroy the bridge. This ploy didnt work and hundreds were killed.

Ride on a Death railway? (it'll only take a couple of hours......!)- sold! Five hours (!!) on a rock-hard bone-jarring back-breaking seat later and i'm not so sure. The first (and last as the train was a there and back again deal) five minutes was exciting as we crossed the bridge........then there was a pretty nice view over the river at about an hour and a half in (obviously repeated at about three and a half hours).......then we went past a durian farm about half an hour before the midway point (and again about half an hour into our return) which was ever so slightly gut-wrenchingly smelly................



January 5 - Flight to Bangkok

Four Sons Inn; Khao San Rd.

Sawasdee kup - hello
chang - elephant
beer - beer
kup koon kup - Thanks

Sawasdee kup, chang beer kup koon kup!

Only had one night in Bangkok - shame, It really is my fave city in the Whole World.

Khao San is backpackerland. Has a soul like a few thousand travellers taking a well earned pause at a waystation before carrying on their journeys.


Life thru a crackt lens

Dec 30 - Jan 5 5 hours bus to Siem Reap

Angkor Star Hotel - Nice!!!

3 day pass to the Angkor temples.

The plain + chocolate corn flakes at the breakfast buffet were teeming with ants. The staff at the hotel were made aware of this. Why did they pick up the dish containing the ant flakes; place it in a frying pan; turn up the heat and wait......before then placing the dish with either dead or half-baked ants still inside back on the buffet.......I Love Asia. Fact.

Angkor is astonishing. I am going to write something deep about Belief and inspiration if I ever believe I can inspire. Think I prefered the Bayon to Angkor Wat........But I basically just loved climbing up sheer steps and getting serious vertigo.....Oh, & missing out on a massive New Year party in town so that I could see the first light of a New Year over Angkor Wat (sounds blissful? - It was.....apart from the million Japanese tourists who accompanied me...)

HmmmmmaaaaaabbbppPPPPPp! & SokPheeb......?

Cambodia has been an extreme education on how cruel man can be versus how, in the face of poverty and diversity, inspiring.