

26-28 October

Xi'an (she-an) capital of Shaanxi province & about 7 mill live about it's fortress walls. People here like to wear trendy clothes, 'gob' and smoke.

Walked round the bell & drum towers that dominate the city centre & used to be rung + beaten to advise the time.

About 2 thousand years ago 'Maaad' Qinshi Huangdi died. In his life he only:

United China for the 1st time
Completed The Great Wall
Ate mercury tablets
Ordered about 10'000 individual pottery statues of men + horses that would stand in formation as his eternal imperial guard
Spat + Smoked a lot (probably)

The Terracotta Army and his tomb were discovered in the 1970's by a spitting; smoking farmer and his flem producing buddies. It is a fascinating; unbelievable and informative place.......+ 'Maaad!'

Later in a crappy third floor feels like pirate net cafe home to pixel-glow-faced web-junkies sat (some sleep) among a sea of electrolight + wires + tech + plastic + sweat. A firetrap as dinner + drinks circulate on trolleys. I cant access the blog 'cept to update it! - earlier today I narrowly escaped an exploding child (nothing serious - just round these parts they dont put nappies on and jus' cut out the backs of the little un's jeans....when they gotta go etc.....just missed my boots.....hahaha!)

Later still Bill Murray moment:Lost in Translation. After days of coaxing we end up in a Haoledi. Like a hotel with a drink/snack supermarket on the 1st floor, escalator up to corridors past party rooms all sound-proof. The view into the myriad rooms from our silent passage is of groups and dates singing; chattering; laughing and dancing (and probably spitting and smoking) all in silent mime from outside. Inside our room is a 3x2m box with a leather couch down 1 wall. The other sports a huge TV & the middles' tambourines & Mic's spell F U N.....(well, 'karaoke' anyway). Alan is 80, his rendition of 'Sexbomb' is Cohenesque and the highlight of a pant-wettingly good night. The Tsingtao beer flowed and is later accompanied by 'Bai Gaio' which translates as 'White Alcohol'. Nail Varnish Remover was Ali's verdict after a sniff. Scott; Michelle + I 'polish' off almost 2 bottles of the stuff.......Oh Dear!


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