
All aboard the good ship Dong FAng Zhi Xi Ng.....?

My attempts at cheating proved unrealistic as:
1- I checked this image the day after we had finished playing.
2- Michelle didnt win this game anyway.

aka:Dawn French said I look like Ricky Gervais......I asked if it was my belly; chins or face.......or maybe it was because of the way I dance.

November 2 - November 5

Yangtze cruise - 3 days on a 'Chinese' first class vessel featuring:

Mice on board (not on the menu) - BRILLIANT!
The delightful odour raw sewage makes.....Not sure you ever really get used to it!
Flem + smoke - Obviously
A BIG Horn - On the boat, generally honked at least 4 times during the night HOOONNK!
Shithead - Cardgame I am not very good at
Mah Jongg (chingQong) - Another game I'm not too good at + I get beaten at by the same person (U know who you are!!!....x) - The game involved squeeking out 'chi' at some point or 'POONNNGGG!!!! in a really deep vader-like voice....It was relevant to the game I think.....
Hand counting Mandarin stylee - (ee; ar; san; sir; wo; ljo; chi; ba; jyo; shir)
Karaoke - Alan (again) Taxman (I lasted about 1 minute) + Hey Jude.....

Took an excursion that veered past sheer drops and rockslides (and some amazing views) to look at the (HOHOHO) Greeeeen Dragon! - Waterfall. Which was basically a waterfall with no green dragon in sight; to mention or anywhere in the vacinity. I didnt even see any smoke or trace of droppings or scattered bones or anything to suggest there ever was a dragon there so felt a bit mis-informed really.

Next day excursion up a tributary to see the lesser gorges and realise the effect that the Damn dam is having on the water-level and also the environment. Haunting song by the blokey on the boat which really set the mystical tone.....our group were asked to sing something after + 'she'll be coming round the mountain' or somesuch wailed out...I didnt like to laugh.....but did. Returned early evening to see the Wuxia Gorge (described in brochures as the most beautiful of all the gorges) but pretty sure it would have looked better in daylight. Rode a lightning storm for a few hours with sheet & forks of all colours followed by more 'Alan-oke' as I share the Mic for a version of Taxman that produced seepage......

There is a lot more I could write about the cruise though, it really was an amazing journey that I will never forget.

Off the boat and onto the Damn Dam site - It is 2300m long! so I guess if huge concrete monstrosities that destroy the environment for the basic justification that they will make piles of money are your thing then you would prob ejaculate plentifully at the merest sniff of the place......I'll remember it for being the place that I purchased 'The Most Expensive Mah Jongg Set in The World' therefore putting more money into the corporate coffers and probably leading to the destruction of the homes of the poor people who made the set in the first place. Oh what a tangled web we weave.


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